Immendorf has always skillfully used the media for self-promotion. In 2000, his wedding to a former student more than 30 years his junior became a public event. The two had a daughter in August 2001. In August 2003, Jörg Immendorff was ... Some friends of mine got back from a vacation in Humboldt county and said it was awesome. I slept on the beach in Big Sur once. People were watching the sun rise in the morning. The Venice Bienial seems so far away and unimportant. ...
Jörg bImmendorf/b, Studykopf 2 (für Kricke), 1984, Öl auf Leinwand, 285 x 285 cm (c) bEstate/b of Jörg bImmendorff/b, Courtesy Galerie Michael Werner Berlin, Cologne and New York; Neuzugang Kunsthalle Emden. Wir sind es ja gewohnt, ...
Every professor has a wildly optimistic, first-day-of-summer-bvacation/b?List of Things To Do.? Here's mine. The most significant decision has been to continue working out of my cramped room in the attic rather than rent a proper studio. b.../b